Laser Tag Source State of the WeekMinnesota Quick Facts
- State Capital: St. Paul
- State Bird: Common Loon
- State Fruit: Honeycrisp Apple
- State Sport: Ice Hockey
- State Nickname: The North Star State
- State Song: Hail Minnesota
Other Minnesota Facts
Oldest Theater
Minneapolis is home to the nation’s oldest continuously running theater (Old Log Theater)
Minneapolis has more golfers per capita than any other city in the country.
Minnesota has more shoreline than California, Florida, and Hawaii combined (90,000 miles)
The Metrodome is the only facility in the country to host a Super Bowl, World Series, and NCAA Final Four.
Tonka Trucks
Tonka trucks were created and are still manufactured in Minnetonka, Minnesota.
Minnesota By the Numbers
Million Sq Ft
The size of Mall of America
Height of the tallest pelican statue in the world, located in Minnesota.
Height of the world’s tallest Paul Bunyan statue, in Akeley, Minnesota.
The original price of the first automatic pop-up toaster, in Minneapolis.
named mud lakes in Minnesota
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