North Dakota
Laser Tag Source State of the Week
North Dakota Quick Facts
- State Capital: Bismarck
- State Bird: Western Meadowlark
- State Dance: Square Dance
- State Flower: Wild Prairie Rose
- State Fruit: Chokecherry
- State Nickname: The Peace Garden State
Other North Dakota Facts
North Dakota grows more sunflowers than any other states
Devils Lake
Devils Lake is the largest natural body of water in North Dakota
Synthetic Natural Gas
Dakota Gasification Company in Beulah is the nation’s only synthetic natural gas producer
The Dakota Dinosaur Museum in Dickinson houses twelve full scale dinosaurs, thousands of rock, mineral and fossil specimens and a complete real Triceratops and Edmontosaurus
Goose Capital
Kenmare is the Goose Capital of North Dakota. Kenmare is the hunting haven of the north with an annual snow goose count being over 400,000 birds.
North Dakota By the Numbers
Year Of
Jamestown College is the oldest independent college in the State
Feet High
26ft high, 46ft long, and weighs 60 ton: The world’s largest Buffalo monument which is located at Frontier Village in Jamestown
Feet Hight
pyramid of empty oil cans: believed to be the highest oil can structure in the world
Miles Long
Lake Sakakawea is that long with a shoreline of countless bays and inlets that cover 1,600 miles
Went into the Guinness Book of World Records” with the cooking and eating of the World’s Largest Hamburger