
Laser Tag Source State of the Week

Oklahoma Quick Facts

  • State Capital: Oklahoma City
  • State Animal: Buffalo
  • State Cartoon Character: Gusty
  • State Flower: Oklahoma Rose
  • State Crystal: Hourglass Selenite Crystal
  • State Motto: Labor omnia vincit ( Labor Conquers All Things)

Other Oklahoma Facts

Yield Sign 
Clinton Riggs designed the YIELD sign. It was first used on a trial basis in Tulsa.

Tribal Capital 
Tahlequah, Oklahoma is the Tribal capital of the Cherokee Nation.

Parking Meters 
The world’s first installed parking meter was in Oklahoma City, on July 16, 1935. Carl C. Magee, of Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, is generally credited with originating the parking meter. He filed for a patent for a “coin controlled parking meter” on May 13, 1935.

The Amateur Softball Association of America – a volunteer-driven, not-for-profit organization based in Oklahoma City, OK – was founded in 1933 and has evolved into the strongest softball organization in the country.

WKY Radio was the first radio station transmitting from west of the Mississippi River.

Oklahoma By the Numbers


Oklahoma is the headquarters for these tribes; also has the largest Native American population of any state in the US

Bordering States

Oklahoma is bordered by Texas, Arkansas, Missouri, Kansas, Colorado, and New Mexico

Year Of

The first electric guitar was invented by Bob Dunn from Beggs


The world’s Longest Multiple Arch Dam located on the South shores of Grand Lake O’ the Cherokees


The National Lighter Museum, nation’s only museum to the collection of lighters

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