Beacons – $30 per 6 beacons

*Prices shown for rentals only.

Looking to add a little “Flash” to your laser tag event? Beacons are just what you’ve been looking for!

These light weight, light-up foam beacons are a multi-purpose tool for your next event. Adding a pack of Beacons to your order can transform your Capture the Flag game from “Capture the Drab” to “Capture the FAB!” A cloth flag will do… but a flashing beacon color coded for each team will do much better!

Need to mark bases for teams? Beacons!

Need to establish a “jail” for players who are tagged out? Beacons!

Need to set game-play boundaries that can’t be missed in the dark? Beacons!

Need a “bomb” to diffuse? Beacons!

Need to guide an F-14 Tomcat down the runway of a moving aircraft carrier? Beacons!

Need a distraction that will get the attention of a horde of invading aliens while a crack scientist hacks their control computers with an aging laptop? Beacons!

Need to feed a hungry army of Germanic barbarians you’ve charmed into helping you sack the southern kingdoms? well… not Beacons for that… but laser tag could keep them entertained while you wait on catering to show up!

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