Ultimate Phoenix LTX – $24.00 PER TAGGER
*Price shown is for rentals only
No Hassle
Strong Frame
All inclusive
An Upgrade
What is the Ultimate LTX you ask? Take the amazing, reliable, critically acclaimed Phoenix LTX and turn the awesome up a notch or two and you have the Ultimate LTX. The Ultimate LTX is the heavy hitter of the LTX family. It does everything the standard Phoenix LTX does… BUT, pull the pump back to load an Ultimate Shot and you’ve got yourself a laser tag shot-gun.
The Ultimate Shot
The Ultimate Shot can do the damage of 3 regular tags, and it has a larger spray. This means you can hit multiple opponents at one time and hit them hard! The Ultimate LTX is a great addition to your Phoenix LTX rental. Put it in the hands of your birthday boy or girl, your boss at your office party, the groom or bride at your bachelor/bachelorette party, or just put it in your own hands (shoot, you’re the one footing the bill shouldn’t you have the big gun?). Speak softly and carry a big laser tag gun!
Want to compare?
See how the Ultimate Phoenix LTX measures up to the other systems.Nighttime/Indoors
Range: 200ft
Range: 150ft
Solo / Up to 2 Teams
Instructional Video
Additional Information
- Range 250′
- 360 degree integrated sensor dome (no need to wrestle players into or out of vests)
- Visual and audible hit confirmation: Your tagger will light up, vibrate, and register tags audibly when you’re hit.
- Recoil action
- Ejectable reload clip
- LED health and ammo indicators: No guessing how many hits you have left or how many shots remain.
- Ultimate Blast does 3 times the damage of a standard Phoenix LTX shot.
- Great for Bachelor Parties
- College Campus Events
- Corporate Events
- Call of Duty Parties
- Adult Parties
- After Prom Parties
- High School and Middle School Events
- Birthday Parties of ALL ages
Not the gun you were looking for?

Looking for a grown up tagger?