With schools closing and many of us now working from home, or just waiting there until we go back to work, our lives are a little more claustrophobic these days. 

Here at Laser Tag Source we’ve always done our best to provide our customers with the best experience we can. In these trying times, we will strive to continue to do just that. These are unusual times filled with anxiety, fear, worry, and oddly enough no small share of boredom.

We believe that you should do what good you can in the world around you. Here at Laser Tag Source we don’t have a treatment for Covid-19/Cornavirus, we don’t have masks or jumbo packs of toilet paper, we don’t have a lab for our amazing team to crank out a vaccine… But we do believe you start doing the good you can with what you have in your hand. What do we have? Laser Tag.

We’ve put some things into action that our customers may find useful

The Stuck at Home Package:

We have a new package, the “Stuck at Home” package. It’s a small package of 6 Titan taggers. This package is also a WEEK LONG rental. These are perfect for use indoors, even in smaller spaces. You can use them to play all sorts of games to pass the time: quick-draw, set up some as targets, or just play good ole’ last man standing or team play laser tag with them. This package is priced rock-bottom low ($75) and that pricing includes EVERYTHING: the taggers, a few spare batteries, shipping to you and back to us!


You can click the image below to learn more!

Stuck At Home Package



Orders for rentals that occur between now and April 4th will be automatically extended to a week-long rental. You may be self-quarantining on a ranch or have 5 acres of wooded land as your backyard and may want something with more options than the Titan tagger. You can rent ANYTHING from us and if your rental will be starting before April 4th, 2020 we will crank that rental up to a 7-day rental at no additional cost to you. (we’ll extend the end date on this rental extension offer should we all wind-up in seclusion for longer too so keep an eye on us)


Rescheduling and Cancellations:

If you or your organization already has a fully paid reservation with us we’re allowing those rentals to postpone to a “To Be Determined” date in the future at no cost. We’re doing this because we are only able to provide a 75% refund on paid orders and this allows us to preserve the full investment for our customers and clients. If that’s you drop us an email using the form below!

3 + 1 =


Wash your hands, don’t touch your face, be kind to one another! Since you can’t go out, let us send some entertainment to you.  As long as UPS is moving boxes, we’ll do our utmost to serve our customers.

Tony Smith | COO

Laser Tag Source