Ok, picture this: an employee at your company has decided to move on and try something new. They’ve decided to spread their wings and fly to new opportunities. Do you understand the cover photo for this blog? That’s how alone you feel when your favorite coworker leaves. It’s sad, but such is the way of life. Here at Laser Tag Source, we like to celebrate, not mourn, the departing. And how do we celebrate such a momentous event? I think you already know the answer!

What to rent if you LOVED your coworker:
Ok, this is pretty easy. If you loved, and I mean LOVED, your coworker, then it’s time to splurge on our premium taggers, the iCombat Barracuda and/or the Hero Blast. They are both amazing on their own, but a going away party is the perfect opportunity to sync them up! That’s right, you can have a “Loyalists vs. Quitters” showdown. That’s also a great way of finding out who else is thinking about turning in their 2-week notice, so talk about two birds!

Obviously, the Quitters are the villains in this scenario, so they get hooked up with the iCombat Barracuda. The Loyalists, AKA the heroes of the company, get some snazzy Hero Blast taggers. Choose your classes and duke it out! Will the employees with no regard for the greater good of the company band together and secure victory? Or will those who have a sense of company pride dominate their weak-willed opponents?

What to rent if you LIKED your coworker:
Your coworker was good. Not amazing, not terrible, but good. You still want to throw them a fun going away party, but you’re not trying to spend quite as much money. No problem! We have the perfect taggers for the budget-minded folks! Our number one suggestion? The Phoenix LTX. It is simple to operate, has free-for-all AND team deathmatch, and is our most popular tagger in our arsenal.
What to rent if you HATED your coworker:
Uh, nothing? Why are you even considering a party if they were that bad?
There you have it! If you’re ready to get your reservation in, just hit the “Place Reservation” button at the top of the screen! Happy laser tagging!