Do you hate superheroes? Do you prefer stories of people doing mundane things like drinking coffee or taking a nap? Maybe you’d rather stare at a grocery list instead of seeing the new Marvel flick. Or perhaps, instead of watching Arrow on television, your idea of a fun evening in front of the television is watching the TV guide for hours. Yes, we know the TV Guide channel isn’t really around anymore, but you get the point. If any of those descriptions fits you, close out of this blog immediately; that hero life ain’t for you. Otherwise, read on about our coolest tagger in the laser tag arsenal: the Hero Blast.

The Hero Blast comes fitted with our most sophisticated laser tag system available. It uses the same intelligence and has similar specs to our most popular premium tagger, the iCombat Barracuda. Of course, instead of packing this punch into a former paintball gun, it fits all that power inside a glove. Not only that; this glove of laser power is tricked out with an LCD screen that gives you live updates on your game. That way you’ll always know what superpower you have equipped, what your remaining health is, how much ammo you have left, and more! It’s enough to make the greatest hero in the history of cinema, Tony Stark, jealous.
So what superpowers are available? Well, there’s the Titan power, which unleashes a one-time powerful blast, wiping out any enemies in the vicinity. It’s a one-hit victory for the Titan blast, so you don’t even have to worry about the other team’s medics healing up their wounded teammates. Speaking of medics, that’s another superpower! Heal your teammates throughout the round to always make sure you have the numbers advantage. Finally, there’s the Commando ultra-high-speed laser fury, shooting out lasers at such a high rate of speed that your enemies won’t know what hit them!
So which superpower will you choose to take into battle? The choice is yours with the Hero Blast! Available to rent now by clicking that Place Reservation button at the top of your screen!