I would just like to throw out a few quick words of encouragement to any teachers and students out there: THE. END. IS. NEAR. I know it doesn’t feel like it, but summer will be here before you know it! As the slow, dreary march through February comes to a close, you’ll realize you are a mere three months away from being done with papers, tests, and waking up to the alarm. Of course, no school year is complete without the greatest of traditions: Field Day! And for this year’s Field Day, there is no better way to celebrate the conclusion of the school year than with one final laser tag battle. So what games, and more importantly, what equipment, should you be using this spring? Let’s get down to it.

Outdoor Free-For-All:
Players: 2-100
Laser Tagger of Choice: Phoenix LTX
Let’s start with the most popular option in our arsenal: The Phoenix LTX. The easy-to-use mechanics of this laser tag gun make it the perfect option for elementary school students, and its budget-friendly price point makes it an attractive choice for schools, too! Perhaps the best part about the Phoenix LTX is the ability to play with a huge crowd. Because games are based purely on elimination, the last man (or team) standing is the winner. Simple, budget-friendly, and reliable: everything you could ever want from your Field Day Laser Tagger.

Battle In the Dark:
Players: 4-40
Laser Tagger of Choice: Titan
Ok, you’re not ACTUALLY limited to 40 of these. That is typically the most popular option for a gymnasium-sized arena. So if your Field Day is full of indoor activities, this is the perfect option for you! The Titan not only look cool in the dark, but they also have the capability of dividing into four teams. So if the classic 2-team match is getting stale, mix it up and divide into four teams to see which one will reign supreme! Just like the LTX, the Titan comes in at an incredibly attractive price point for any schools.

Superhero Showdown:
Players: 2-8
Laser Tagger of Choice: Hero Blast
Are you looking to keep the battle small, yet intense? What the Hero Blast lacks in player count, it more than makes up for with all of its features. Simply put: this is our best laser tagger in the arsenal. It comes preloaded with three separate super powers, so you can choose your own destiny. Its pinpoint accuracy equals that of the iCombat Barracuda; no big deal. And, with an easy-to-operate LCD touch screen, getting in and out of battles has never been easier! If you’re wanting to run smaller laser tag games, there’s no better option than the all-new Hero Blast.
Whichever of these taggers you choose, you can’t go wrong! So whether you’re in a huge outdoor property, in a gymnasium, or wanting to host a superhero battle to rival The Avengers, we’ve got everything you need.