Today I would like you to digitally meet a member of our team that I am personally very fond of, our marketing intern, Shae!

For those of you who have been keeping up with our blog posts, you might be thinking to yourself “Isn’t Shae the girl that writes all of the blog posts?” If this is the case, then yes, you are right. This wonderful Shae that I speak of is indeed myself. But hey, who better to ask me questions about myself then my own self right? 😉 So let’s get started…

Hi Shae! It’s great to be interviewing you. I’ve heard oh so many lovely things about your work here at Laser Tag Source. What made you decide to do your internship with us?

-Great question Shae! I’ve been going to Lynchburg Church of God, which you already know, since my sophomore year at Liberty University. The more I got involved in the church the more familiar I also became with Laser Tag Source. I witnessed it’s awesomeness at multiple church functions and heard endless raves about it so I figured what better place to be then right where all the action happens!


Do you have any background in marketing or writing at all?

-I sure do! I just graduated from LU with a Bachelors in Journalism. Obviously the bulk of all that I did and learned over my four years was focused on writing, but I did have a number of classes that dealt with marketing. I also took advertising and marketing classes for all of my electives which I absolutely loved! I’m planning to get my Masters in Marketing next and so I’m thrilled to learn even more and then hopefully be able to bring that knowledge to the table over here at LTS.


Awesome! Take me through what it is like to do your job. I’m curious to hear all about it! It seems like very interesting work.

-Sure thing. A new post is due every Wednesday. So I usually sit down at my computer, stare at it for longer than I probably should and then start brainstorming what I should write about for that week. I’ve been extremely blessed to have Kristina as a boss because she is super organized and had a list of ideas for each week planned up for me before I even started, but on the weeks where things need a changing, and they often do for a number of reasons, I get my creative wheels spinning up in my brain and try to come up with a topic that our customers want to hear about most. They have given me a ton, if not all, creative control here which is really awesome. It has allowed me to learn a lot about Marketing which is definitely a plus.


Personally, I love all of your blog ideas, Shae. You are just so darn creative! 

-Thanks Shae! Was there a question you wanted to ask?


Oh right! Back to business. Have you thrown a party using Laser Tag Source before? If not, do you plan to in the future?

-I haven’t yet, no. BUT, my husband is a huge laser tag fan and has played a number of games hosted by Laser Tag Source. I must say, when he starts playing, there is no stopping him. He’s like a little kid all over again and just having the time of his life. I’m thinking about getting some of his friends together for his next birthday for a killer laser tag party. Not only would that win me major props with him, but I will be able to participate in all of the fun since by that time, I wont be waddling around the game as a pregnant person. I’m fairly certain that my new large size would make me an easier target during the game.



Wow, that was a great interview! What do you guys think? I hope you enjoyed getting to know me a little more through that crazy interview hosted by none other than yours truly.


-Shae, Laser Tag Source Marketing Intern and Interviewer/Interviewee.