Let’s be honest: here at Laser Tag Source, we’re all a bit nerdy. So when Nerdist contacted us to help out at Comic-Con San Diego, we were pretty pumped. We shipped out 20 of our iCombat Barracudas, brought our handy, dandy, scorekeeping Command Center Module, and flew out to the West Coast for the second time in July.

You may remember that the theme at ID10T Fest was all about Power Rangers. Well, Comic-Con’s laser tag course was themed around a new show on Hulu, called Future Man. And, between interviews, autographs, and just the general shenanigans that goes along with being a celebrity at Comic-Con, the cast got a quick battle in.

We won’t pretend to be surprised that our taggers worked flawlessly, so our “on-site technical support” was more along the lines of “people watching & voting on cosplays.” Once again, thanks to the talented guys over at Two Dudes Photo for the awesome images. They took hundreds of shots – try to find one where someone ISN’T having fun – Comic-Con Photos