Dreaming of LaSummer

Dreaming of LaSummer

Do those recent Nor’Easters have your mood going a bit south? Well, no better time than now to start planning what you’re going to do with all of that spring and summer heat! Whether you’re a youth pastor, camp counselor, party planner, super mom,...
VBS with LTS

VBS with LTS

Man, I’m proud of that title. It only took about 4 seconds to come up with, so that’s when you know it’s good. Ok, let’s get down to business: you’re preparing for the most exciting of summer events. Vacation Bible School! Laser tag is...
This One Time, At Band Camp

This One Time, At Band Camp

WARNING: if you are a teacher, just skip past the next sentence… or maybe this whole intro. Just enjoy what’s left of your summer! It’s already the middle of July – travel baseball seasons will be over in a blink, and the football teams are...